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Proudly Manufacturing Engraving, Routing, and Marking Solutions in the USA Since 1983

Laser Engraving vs Rotary Engraving Comparison Chart

What’s important to me? Laser Fiber Laser CO2 Laser Green Rotary/CNC
Purchase cost $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$
Maintenance requirement High Medium Medium Low
Overall ease of operation Acceptable Excellent Excellent Acceptable
Green Technology/Low Carbon Footprint Poor Poor Poor Excellent
Lowest Long-Term Cost of Ownership Acceptable Poor Acceptable Excellent
Transportable Poor Poor Poor Excellent
Compatibility with Materials - Organic (wood leather acrylic, etc) Unacceptable Excellent Poor Excellent
Compatibility with Materials - Inorganic (Brass Aluminum, Steel, etc) Excellent Unacceptable Poor Excellent
PVC, Sensitive Plastics, Composite Materials Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Excellent
Range of Applications Acceptable Acceptable Poor Excellent
Equipment Life Cycle/Durability Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Excellent
ADA Braille Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Excellent
Photograph Reproduction Poor Excellent Poor Poor
3D Engraving Poor Poor Unacceptable Excellent
Cylindrical Engraving Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Contour Cutting under 1/8" Thickness Unacceptable Excellent Unacceptable Very Good
Contour Cutting Over 1/8"Thickness Unacceptable Acceptable Unacceptable Excellent
Surface Marking Speed Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Good
Deep Marking or Engraving Poor Acceptable Unacceptable Excellent

Excellent Excellent; Best Fit Very Good Very Good; Above Avg Fit Acceptable Acceptable; Average Fit
Poor Poor; Below Avg Fit Unacceptable Unacceptable; Not a Fit